Meet our experts

  • Syd Mills, Trainer Assessor, Safety Auditor, in and out of mining for 40 years but currently actively involved for the past 15. Open crane operator, Intermediate rigger, Supervisor and operator of all civil and mining equipment including proficiency training and full training of operators.

  • Garry Pearson, Trainer Assessor with Open crane operator, Advanced rigger with a wealth of experience in Western Australia and Queensland. Ability to deliver OHS licences and RII's.

  • Sarah Antcliff, Trainer Assessor, Mining specialist

  • Mark Schwindt, Trainer Assessor, Operations, Crane and Rigging specialist

  • Justin Blair, Trainer Assessor and Safety officer Jason O'Brien, Safety Specialist and Trainer Assessor

  • Matthew Bethel, Safety Specialist

  • Dave Smith, Trainer Assessor, OHS specialist

  • Garry Douglas, Trainer Assessor, Systems specialist

  • Kristy Oberthur, Safety Specialist, Shutdowns, Draglines, CHPPs

  • Peter Sampson; Trainer Assessor, CHPP operations specialist

  • Shane Ryals

  • Amy Gardner-Smith

  • Lisa Walker

  • Darren Radel

  • Rae Ryniker

And room to grow.......................

Training and Safety that delivers

With a proven training and safety record across not only the Bowen Basin we have shown that we can deliver quality training that makes a difference.

blue and white light in blue textile
blue and white light in blue textile
blue and white light in blue textile
blue and white light in blue textile
Helping companies reach compliance goals

We are here to assist. We help companies to get their teams upskilled to meet site compliance requirements.

blue and white light in blue textile
blue and white light in blue textile
Always working to stay on top

We ensure that what we are training meets ASQA's training requirements. We research and ensure all our training is up to date.

The Right way

There are no short cuts. We train and assess and verify what we do.



How we work